Changeling | Dex +1, Cha +1 | Codex: Unearthed Arcana: | |
Dwarf | Hill Dwarf Mountain Dwarf | Con +2, Wis +1, +1 HP/level Str +2, Con +2 | Speed 25′, Darkvision 60′, Advantage against poison; Common and Dwarvish |
Elf | High Elf Wood Elf Dark Elf | Dex +2, Int +1 Dex +2, Wis +1 Dex +2, Cha +1 | Speed 30′ (Wood Elves 35′), Darkvision 60′ (Dark Elves 120′); Common and Elvish. |
Halfling | Lightfoot Stout | Dex +2, Cha +1 Dex +2, Con +1 | Speed 25′; Common and Halfling |
Human | Human | Each ability increases by 1 | Speed 30′; Common +1 extra |
– | Flan | Dex +1, Wis +1 | Speed 30′; Common, Flan; Proficiency in Stealth, Feat: Sharpshooter |
– | Oerider | Int +1, Wis +1 | Speed 30′; Common, Oerdisk; Profiiciency in Animal Handling (Riding), Feat: Mounted Combatant |
Dragonborn | Str +2, Cha +1 | Speed 30′; Common and Draconic | |
Gnome | Forest Gnome Rock Gnome | Dex +1, Int +2 Con +1, Int +2 | Speed 25′; Darkvision 25′; Common, Gnomish and (Forest Gnome) Speak with Small Beasts |
Half-Elf | Cha +2 and two other | Darkvision 60′; Speed 30′; Common, Elvish and one extra language | |
Half-Orc | Str +2, Con +1 | Darkvision 60′; Speed 30′; Comon and Orcish | |
Minotaur | Str +1 | ||
Shifter | Dex +1 | ||
Tiefling (Hornet | Int +1, Cha +2 | Darkvsion 60′; Speed 30′; Common and Infernal | |
Wartouched | Str +1, Con +1 |